Product Info

Kettenbach introduces the Visalys CemCore system, which enables both adhesive cementation and core build-up to be achieved with just a few components. Visalys CemCore features groundbreaking Active-Connect-Technology that allows for the optimal mixing of the somewhat hydrophobic cementation composite. Despite its hydrophobic properties, the composite achieves a high adhesive strength without swelling. Visalys CemCore flows superbly into every clearance, and yet displays a high degree of stability: gentle application of pressure ensures the degree of flow required when carrying out restoration. Release the pressure, and Visalys CemCore reverts to its firm consistency so that excess material does not expand and is easy to remove after application. - Shade: Bleach. Pack Contains: - 5 ml Automix syringe. - 10 mixing tips blue blunt. - 10 mixing tips blue tapered. - 6 intraoral tips / 4 endo tips. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**

Visalys Cemcore Normal Bleach

1 Pack