Product Info

- SonicFill uniquely combines the attributes of flowable and a universal composite. - By activating the composite with sonic energy, fill and adapt at low viscosity, then press and sculpt at high viscosity. - Kerr Corporation and KaVo Dental GmbH have put together their core competences to create a first-of-its-kind, time-saving filling system for posterior restorations. - SonicFill System enables clinicians to perform posterior restorations with an easy-to-use, single-step procedure that combines the advantages of a flowable composite with a universal composite. - SonicFill System is comprised of a KaVo handpiece that enables sonic activation of a specially designed and conveniently delivered composite from Kerr. - SonicFill’s proprietary sonic activation significantly reduces the composite’s viscosity to rapidly fill the cavity. - Dentists utilizing SonicFill are able to reduce time for placement, packing and sculpting their restorations. - Features: Fast: Time reduction with all-in-one filling for up to 5mm increments. - Reliable: Predictable long-term restoration results due to perfect adaptation and reduced shrinkage. - Easy: Convenient and precise delivery through canula with small diameter and foot switch control. - 20 x 0.25 gr compules. **For further product information , please contact Chat Support**

SonicFill 2 Universal Composite Compules A3

1 Box 20 Pcs