Product Info

- Fibra post are made from specially treated glass fibers (approx. 65 %)reinforced with, and firmly bound to, a UDMA (Urethane Dime-thacrylate) resin (approx. 20 %) known for its resistance, safety, and capacity to bind to Composite resins used for post cementation. Features and benefits : - Optimal flexural strength (~ 35 GPa). - Close to the one of the dentine. - High resistance (~ 1’300 MPa) thanks to interlaminar fibers cohesion. - Natural shade for aesthetic reconstruction. - Convenient Radiopacity (~ 200 % Al, Ø 2.5 mm). - High adhesion capacity between post and cement. - Biocompatibility. - Length: 19 mm. - Size: 3. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**

Fibra Post Plus 3

1 Box 5 Pcs