Product Info
- The safest, most effective and most economical way to access the cervical limits. - With expasyl, choose an alternative to retraction cords which take a long time to put in place. - It only takes a few seconds to apply the paste into the sulcus, rendering it perfectly dry and open in less than two minutes all this without causing your patient any pain. - With Expasyl, you save time and product. - The Expasyl technique is safer. - Much more economical as no anesthesia or other hemostatis are reuqired. - Impression-taking in the same session, even if there is profuse bleeding during preparation. - More effective for restoration of class II or class V cavities, sealing dentures, placing rubber dam clamps, and for bonding. - Exerts moderate pressure on the marginal gingiva which is gauged to open to sulcus without damaging the epithelial attachment reducing the risks of permanent gingival retraction. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**
1 Pack 20 Pcs