Product Info

- Dentaurum discovery smart is considered the smallest brackets on market nowadays, with an outstanding quality. - The new premium metal bracket system from dentaurum are designed to give you an aesthetically great result with no competitors. - This mini bracket is the result of the consistent advancement of the longstanding and well-proven brackets discovery. - It complements the bracket series with smaller dimensions and an innovatively designed arched slot. - These brackets made from pure titanium, and they are nickel-free brackets. - The brackets provide a definite improvement in comfort for the patient due to a significant reduction in the size of around 20% in comparison to the discovery, without any loss of torque and angulation control. - It has now a very low profile with an in-out value of only 0.7mm. - Another highlight is the new mesial-distal curved slot direction, which follows the ideal curvature of the dental arch. - This has a positive effect on the sliding mechanism of the archwire. - Dentaurum discovery smart is a real, single-piece bracket which is produced using modern metal injection molding methods (MIM). - This means the bracket is especially biocompatible due to the fact that solder has been totally eliminated. - Even the hooks on the canine, and optionally also on the premolar brackets, are designed in advance on the bracket and injected directly in one piece. - The innovative mushroom shape means the rubber bands have sufficient support. - The perfectly designed tie wings, provide the bracket with the perfect finish. - The small, modern design of discovery smart also incorporates all the brilliant characteristics of the discovery bracket range, ensuring maximum reliability and control with fascinating aesthetics. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**

Dentaurum Discovery Metal Bracket MBT 1 Case

1 Pack 20 Pcs