Product Info

-RelyX™ U200 - the latest generation of the world´s most clinically proven self-adhesive resin cement - is available in the Clicker™ Dispenser and in an easy-to-use automix syringe. -RelyX™ U200 Cement is strong where it counts and offers high adhesion, resistance to discolouration, long-term stability and almost no post-operative sensitivities. Its exceptionally simple handling, dispensing, treatment and overall working conditions makes this cement a favourite for dentists who are counting on uncompromising quality. -Comfortable handling. -Optimal consistency for dispensing and seating. -Flexible dosing. -Time-saving. -A great choice of tips allows always easy application of paste directly into the cavity. -Low risk of air bubbles and voids. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**

3M™ Relyx™ U200 Self Adhesive Resin Cement Refill Translucent

1 Box